Monday, March 21, 2011

Treasures Found

On a whim we decided to keep heading west through the Aosta valley and the Mount Blanc tunnel into the world renown ski resort of Chamonix, France. I’m glad we did although the only gardens we found at this time of year under the snow laden alps were of the culinary sort. A cured meat smorgasbord and wines galore! We were in trouble. We stocked up on lunch and dinner items and returned to the city of Aosta. In Seattle visit Salumi Artisan Cured Meats, where you will find delectable “old world style” cured meats.

We were mesmerized by the lower level cellar stocked with luscious French wines and selections from surrounding regions. I’m glad we had a large trunk!

Aosta is built around, and is integrated into, the ancient Roman city. The Roman Road which is the old city’s main street, is lined with shops, bakeries, and restaurants.

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